Three Musketeers Auditions

Three Musketeers Auditions

Hilarious adventure with the Three Musketeers. Visual Jokes, physical comedy, theatrical jokes, wordplay.

Three Musketeers 
Actor 1
Porthos, Cardinal Richelieu, Innkeeper, Italian dandy
Actor 2
Athos, Queen, Milady
Actor 3
Aramis, Brie

This is a multi role play with 3 songs included. A fabulous singing voice is not a necessity just a willing to try. Please come to the audition prepared with a song of your choice. A little choreography will be included but again doesn’t have to be great just a bit of rhythm and musicality. This Play includes slapstick comedy, engaging with the audience. Actor 1 will use accents although this is bad accents. Actor 3 has no idea what is going on as he has learned the lines for Treasure Island not Three Musketeers. He gets hit alot and also falls down alot (sorry in advance)

Sunday 20th & Tuesday 22nd October
Sunday 1-6pm | Tuesday 5-8pm
Ticket price Free to attend

Synopsis: Cardinal Richelieu is trying to usurp the throne of France by stealing the crown jewels. In desperation, the queen turns to Athos, Porthos and Aramis. In retaliation, the Cardinal turns to his servant, Brie (played by an actor who turned up for a performance of Treasure Island) and the seductive Milady. Deception, mayhem, sword fights and hilarity ensue!

Element of comedy musicality and dancing.
Actor 1 – To try an Italian & French accent.
Actor 2 – Preferably female, byt males considered (Dame type of character).
Actor 3 – Needs to be able to do a pirate ‘accent’, also bears the brunt of the jokes so needs to be comfortable being hit and falling down a lot.

Show dates, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th April 25

Audition Pieces Click Here

Please book below so we know numbers attending. You can attend anytime between the times.
(Please come along prepared with a song of your choice)



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